Fulton County


The Fulton County Community Network lies at the far southwest corner of Kentucky and borders the Mississippi River. It is the only multi-state RPN Community Network, as it also encompasses the City of South Fulton, Tennessee. Known for its rich array of natural resources, including some of the most fertile crop land in the United States, the area is driven by two major economic engines: agriculture and transportation. Most land use in Fulton County is related to agriculture, with corn, soybeans and wheat being the major cash crops.

Equally important today is transportation, as the network is truly multi-modal with the development of the nation’s newest interstate, I-69, which will run from Windsor, Canada, to Brownsville, Texas. The City of Fulton sits almost exactly at the mid-point of that important and developing corridor, which will at least triple the amount of traffic coming through the local highway corridor. The network is also serviced by Canadian National Railway and lies at the midway point between its Chicago to New Orleans line. It is also fortunate to be served by Amtrak and has one of the only rail stops in Kentucky. On the west end of the network lies the mighty Mississippi River, which has served the transportation needs of past generations and continues to be a catalyst for economic development today. Hickman, the county seat of Fulton County, contains the only Kentucky riverport on the Mississippi River, and it is one of only seven riverports in the entire state. Roughly 15 million bushels of grain are loaded on barges at the port each year, with almost all of the product heading to overseas markets. Projections are for that number to continue to grow each year for the foreseeable future.

Today, the Fulton County Community Network has a diverse population and a leadership team that is not only championing the community, but also preparing it for the opportunities of the future. While natural resources in the network are plentiful, the challenges ahead are many. Unique and new skillsets, as well as problem solving skills, are required to fully succeed in the new economic reality. This small network has come a long way since the first railroad deed was sold in 1857 and a rail line was installed two years later. Now the transportation network is more important than ever, as economic trends have heightened the importance of efficient and fast distribution.

Local leaders throughout the Fulton County Community Network are committed to community-driven solutions, and they are seeking to bring more state and federal resources to bear on projects that will improve the critical infrastructure that is needed to succeed and to attract more opportunity for all residents in Fulton County and South Fulton, TN.


  • Affordable Housing

    • Single-family housing for low & median family households
    • Multi-family housing
    • Low- and very-low-income housing assistance
    • Repairs for elderly and disabled homeowners
  • Infrastructure

    • Riverport modernization
    • Industrial park development
    • Airport runway extension
    • Water and wastewater system improvements
    • Make I-69 more electric vehicle friendly
  • Economic Diversification

    • Recreation economies for rural communities
    • Agricultural economic investment
    • Manufacturing investment
  • Rural Healthcare

    • Telemedicine access
    • Specialty care in rural communities
  • Workforce Development

    • Support for local businesses
    • Training programs for displaced & incarcerated workers
    • Vocational rehabilitation
    • STEM development for schools

Rural Partners Network Contacts for Fulton County

Host Entity

Fulton County Fiscal Court
Jim Martin